Year 11–12
Preparing for Tertiary Success
Recent information from universities demonstrates that a Citipointe education provides foundations for successful University study. University data reveals that Citipointe graduates achieve significantly higher Grade Point Averages in their first year.
With personalised support and tailored advice, we empower our students to make informed decisions about their future pathways. By providing insights into university and vocational options, assisting with applications, and conducting workshops on essential skills for higher education, we ensure our students are well-prepared for their tertiary studies. Our goal is to equip them with the knowledge and confidence needed to succeed in their chosen fields.

Vocational Education and Training (VET)
Our College is a registered training organisation (RTO) and has an RTO Manager who oversees the internal VET offerings (Business and Hospitality) as well as approving external VET studies. VET qualifications can be undertaken in Years 10, 11 and 12 and may provide credit towards the Queensland Certificate of Education (QCE) and the ATAR. On-campus VET students can choose from various courses like Certificate III in Business and Certificate III in Hospitality.
Students can undertake VET courses off-site with other training providers such as TAFE. Students may also be able to participate in school-based traineeships and apprenticeships (SATs) as a further vocational option.
Leadership Focus
As Seniors of the College, students lead by example. The student leadership team plays a pivotal role in shaping the school culture, guiding their peers with a chosen focus word for the year. This word serves as an inspiration for everyone to “press towards the goal,” encouraging all students to maximise their potential and make the most of their time at Citipointe. By setting this standard, they not only influence their school community but also prepare to impact the world for good and for God.

Specialist Programs
Learning Extension
Learning Support
Pastoral Care
Beyond the Classroom