Celebrating 46 Years of Citipointe Christian College

A Legacy of Education and Faith

On Foundation Day, our community came together to celebrate and reflect on 46 years of Christian education at Citipointe, a Brisbane Christian school.

During the assembly, Grace, a Year 12 student, delivered a heartfelt speech, reminiscing about her fourteen-year journey through the College.

Grace, Year 12 Citipoint4e student

She shared, “I remember the early days of Prep, where cooking sessions were exciting, and dressing up for International Day. These memories are part my primary journey and evoke smiles and nostalgia as a senior student today.”

“The years of enrichment camp from grades 9 to 12 are some of the most unforgettable experiences. Reflecting on these moments, these camps have truly shaped me by fostering my growth and friendships.”

Samantha Bowles, an alumni parent, also took the stage to share her reflections on her time as a student.

Samantha Bowles, Citipointe alumni parent

Samantha recalls her early school days, sharing, “What I remember most is the teachers and the impact they had on me. The teachers here at Citipointe are so dedicated to their work and passionate about their students. I particularly remember my incredible music teachers who encouraged, challenged and provided me with endless opportunities to grow in my areas of interest, leading to my studies at the Conservatorium.

“Now, as a parent with my own kids here in primary school, I find it such a blessing that their teachers welcome, encourage, challenge, guide, love, and pray for them.”

Peter Hollyock, from the Class of 2000 and current staff member, recounted his school experiences and the community’s influence: “I remember the warm smiles of the teachers who welcomed me with open arms and guided me through those formative years with patience and wisdom. I remember the expectation of a community, the expectation for a student to strive towards their potential.”

Peter concluded by challenging the current students: “What mark will you leave on the world? How will you carry forward the legacy of those who came before us? Remember your time in school – there will be highs and there will be lows… But remember this, your time here is just the beginning, a launchpad for the great adventures that await you.”

Foundation Day reminds us of the rich history and enduring legacy of Citipointe Christian College. As we move forward, the College continues to uphold its commitment to Christian values and high quality education. Through the dedication of students, parents, alumni, and staff, the legacy of Citipointe Christian College continues for generations to come.

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