Strengthening relationships in partnership with The Fathering Project.
On the 20th March we hosted the inaugural event – Paper Planes & Pizza in partnership with the Fathering Project. This event was catered for our Year 6, 7 and 8 students and their fathers or father figures. The goal – to strengthen relationships and connections of fathers and father figures with their children.
Students had the opportunity to make and test their Paper Plane designs with their fathers and father figures in games such as Paper Plane Golf, Paper Plane Footy & throwing planes through hoops. A fun night had by students and dads as they competed in various paper plane games. The night concluded with some words of encouragement for dads whist enjoying pizza and cold drinks.
Research shows that schools targeting fathers see better outcomes for students. When fathers participate in school activities and events, children experience greater enjoyment and engagement in their educational experience. They can also demonstrate a reduced likelihood of behavior issues. They are more likely to participate in extracurricular activities, and perform better academically.

Strengthening the bond between fathers and their children at Citipointe.
We extend our heartfelt gratitude to the 150+ dads and children who joined us to support our inaugural event. In collaboration with the Fathering Project, we anticipate hosting more events in the future, offering valuable resources and enjoyable activities to empower fathers and enhance their bond with their children.